Thursday, September 19, 2013

Day 1 (9/18/13)

River Dell Regional High School

            During this first day of my internship at the River Dell Regional High School, I met Mr. Sincak and the other teachers within both the mathematics and science departments. After introductions with various teachers and procedural activities, Mr. Sincak provided me with an office within the school for me to work in throughout the day. He and I discussed possibilities with utilizing the program Geogebra within his classroom, and he asked me to construct a program file that would interactively diagnose which students required assistance throughout his Honors Geometry class. Specifically, my task was to construct a program that would create random line segments on a coordinate grid, provide spaces for students to submit answers based on questions regarding those segments, and create an indicator on the screen to reveal which students are doing well and which students are struggling.

            Throughout the day, I worked on learning the Geogebra program and its association with JavaScript. I found it difficult to connect my experience with mathematics with my basic knowledge of computer science and programming, but I enjoyed it tremendously. I realized that the range of tools available for teaching purposes was larger than I ever expected, as I soon discovered how useful this application would be for the average classroom. These tasks, as well as my conversations with Mr. Sincak, have begun to inspire me into a career choice that connects to both technology and education, with the underlying factor still being mathematics; and although I still need to improve on my programming abilities, they nonetheless improved significantly on this first day. In the end, I was partly successful in performing my tasks regarding GeoGebra, but I fully associated myself with the other faculty members here. In addition, I also helped create challenging problems for Mr. Sincak’s Honors Geometry course. Overall, I plan to learn more about JavaScript in order to produce more fruitful results in the future.

Fairleigh Dickinson University

            On this first official day of the internship at Fairleigh Dickinson University, I discussed with my mentor, Professor Mark Farag, about my tasks throughout the semester: auditing the course, organizing class notes, preparing solutions to assignments, and other works related to mathematics. I also met with Professor Alfredo Tan, the director of the engineering department at the university, who was friendly and generous enough to speak with me during his busy schedule, albeit briefly. In addition, Professor Farag allowed me to explore the various sections and departments of the school, encouraging me to also consider careers related to applied mathematics (such as regarding finances), instead of solely focusing on theoretical mathematics.

            The class, for a course called “Abstract Algebra,” was very small in population, as only five students excluding me had shown up. Professor Farag explained that this phenomenon was due to the fact that the course was among the highest level classes provided at the university. Nonetheless, such a small class helped me fit in and become adjusted to the environment. I felt like an actual university student throughout the day.

            After the course, Professor Farag provided me with space to work on my assignments regarding class notes and solutions. Although I had a somewhat extensive knowledge of the mathematical typing program LaTeX before I began the internship, it allowed me to master my skills in the program. Because I had to practice typing notes throughout the class, in the format required by LaTeX, I became fluent, to the point where I can type in LaTeX as fast as I can type regularly. I also learned a significant amount of abstract algebra, even though it has only been one class so far. I discovered how college life and studies would feel, and I plan to use these learned skills throughout both high school and beyond.

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